Ollolai, Italy: The town selling homes for $1 | CNN Travel

Ever dreamed of owning a home in a pretty village in Italy? The news you’ve been waiting for has arrived. The Italian town of Ollolai is selling homes for a dollar.

Sorgente: Ollolai, Italy: The town selling homes for $1 | CNN Travel

4 thoughts on “Ollolai, Italy: The town selling homes for $1 | CNN Travel

  1. Rosaria DESimone Lunn (Rose Lunn) ha detto:

    I am very interested interested in purchasing a property on the island of Sardegna for one euro or more as your ad states. I am a native Italian and therefore I speak italian, please contact me at 8

  2. Rosaria DESimone Lunn (Rose Lunn) ha detto:

    I am very interested interested in purchasing a property on the island of Sardegna for one euro or more as your ad states. I am a native Italian and therefore I speak italian, please contact me

  3. Maurizio ha detto:

    Vai sulla pagina di Nulvi o Ollolai e clicca sul tasto rosso per aprire la pagina delle info.
    Buona fortuna

  4. Maurizio ha detto:

    Slla pagina delle info trovi i bandi a cui fare riferimento.

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